Here at Dog Parent Academy, there is nothing we enjoy more than putting a smiling face on pups around the world. We wanted make brief list of some the exciting new toys you can use to have some interactive play with your dog. Some of these goodies would even keep your dog happy, and at play even throughout a long work day when no one is around.


Zippy Paws Plush Toys
Zippy Paws have done a great job at providing high quality squeaky plush toys that last a very long time and can be given for many different events and holidays. They have birthday cake plush toys, Holiday theme plush toys, and even Pizza
and french fry plush toys.

We thought these Zippy Paws toys deserved a spot on the list as they are also wonderful for pups with sensitive teeth who still love to squeak and play all day.



FLYBER is a brand new double sided frisbee disc made with a unique material which is not plastic or rubber. Due to its revolutionary design when thrown the flight path will change to keep your dog guessing.

FLYBER is a very noteworthy dog toy as it is perfect for outdoor fun whether your at the dog park or in your own backyard. It is made from non-toxic material which would not cause any food poisoning or affect any dogs with allergies. The only downside to this toy is it should only be used when you are together with your pup as it is not meant for chewing and can be destroyed if your dog chews on it for too long.

FLYBER- Outdoor Indoor Fetch Toy Flying Floating Disc


Tether Tug-Interactive Dog Rope

The Tether Tug is perfect for outdoor play as it provides the exercise a healthy pup needs, as well as strengthening a dogs agility, and activating their teeth through tug of war play. What is very unique about the Tether Tug is that your pup can play on their own without the need for you to pull on the other end of the rope.

Another wonderful feature of the Tether Tug  is that they have created multiple options for different size dogs and breeds. Since the Tether Tug is available for dogs of all sizes, and is perfect for keeping your dog healthy and giving them the outdoor excitement they need we placed them at number 3 on our Top Dog Toys for 2019 list.Tether Tug Outdoor Dog Toy


Wobble Wag Giggle Ball

The next toy on our list is the Wobble Wag Giggle Ball ,aside from having an adorable name it is even cuter when you can see your fluffer toss this ball around the house. This toy is no ordinary ball as it has a patented air squeak technology that does not require any batteries. Every time your pup drops or chases the Wobble Wag Giggle Ball it makes squeaking giggles that will keep your dog busy even when your away at work, or running some errands.

Another reason this toy made it to number 2 on our list was due to the fact that it can be enjoyed by all sizes and breeds. Each Wobble Wag Giggle Ball has open puncture points so various size jaws can grab and hold onto it. Even older dogs can easily play and stay active with this toy.

Wobble Wag Giggle Ball


Hyper Pet K9 Kannon Tennis Ball Launcher

Last but not least on our list for the number one spot is the K-9 Kannon™ and K9 Kannon Mini Tennis Ball Launcher from Hyper Pet Products. We here at Dog Parent Academy have never been so happy about a new way to play with our pups until seeing this innovative new toy.

There are two types of these Hyper Pet™ K-9 Kannon™ Tennis Ball Launchers: one is intended for medium and large breed dogs which is the standard K-9 Kannon™. The second is the K9 Kannon Mini which uses Mini Hyper Pet Tennis Balls which smaller dogs can easily pick up with their mouths.
Hyper Pet™ K-9 Kannon™ Tennis Ball Launcher

The original size K-9 Kannon™can fire standard tennis balls, and Hyper Pet Tennis Balls can easily pick up floored balls by placing the tip of the gun over the ball and scooping it back up. These launchers can shoot over 70 ft. and is sure to provide you and your dog the bonding time you deserve.
Hyper Pet Original K9 Kannon Mini Ball Launcher Dog Toys

In conclusion, we believe whichever toys can bring a smile on you and your dogs face without a doubt served its function. These have been our Top 5 picks for Dog Toys in 2019. Feel free to join our discussion board and let us know if you have tried any of these wonderful inventions, and if you have any pictures with your dogs enjoying themselves I am sure our community here at Dog Parent Academy would love to see!