You may have heard a lot about Dog Agility Training but might be wondering, “How can I teach my dog to do these activities, and what do I need to get started? Well luckily we have put together an informative article about what tools you will need to train your dog in agility, and the best ways to have a good time bonding with your dog while exercising in your backyard or a nearby park.

Similarly to other training you can use whichever methods you prefer whether they are Dog Training Click Remotes, Reward Treats, or toys your dogs love to positively reward good behavior, and instinctively allow them see these new agility techniques as a fun play experience while also learning to do them correctly.

The Dog Weaving Exercise

When teaching your dog to weave around the “slalom” or “doggy poles” it is important for you to begin the process by leading them into the poles when you first begin your training. You can either begin by starting by leading in with their favorite treats or toys, and rewarding them the farther they go correctly. If you dog starts to exit incorrectly instead of rewarding this behavior you should not reward them with a treat until bringing them back to the start and having them perform the action correctly.

With a toy such as a squeaky tennis ball you can begin also by leading in the open passage way the poles create when spread fully apart and towards the end throw the tennis ball for them to have an exciting playful reward rather than treats for motivation to complete the course.

Once your dog has begun entering the slalom course with ease, you can place the poles closer together, and ensure your dog enters the course from their left side as this is the correct method for dogs to weave. The more practice you have with your dog the faster they will be able to weave through the course, and run for the toy or receive the treat for completion.

The Dog Tunnel Course

The next activity you can use for Dog Agility Training is the Dog Tunnel. These fun tunnels are most canine’s favorite although a little intimidating in the beginning it is fairly easy for dogs to learn. You begin teaching the usage of the Dog Tunnel by having it fully extended and straight so your dogs can easily see the end of the tunnel.

It is important in teaching for you to not be blocking the exit of the tunnel but to be towards the side of the tunnel with the positive reinforcement whether a treat or toy in clear vision. When your beloved canine companion successfully exits you can throw the ball, or reward with a treat. Clicking with your remote when using the command “Tunnel” is commonly used as well when practicing this exercise.

Once your dog is very comfortable in performing the straight tunnel with great speed and agility, you can begin bending the tunnel so your dog can not visibly see the tunnel. When using your command whilst starting from the same position as your pup they will enter and you can throw the toy for them to retrieve after stating “Tunnel”, or run towards the tunnel opening to reward with your positive reinforcement treat.

The Dog Hurdle

The last Dog Agility Training exercise we will cover in this article is the doggy hurdle. This exercise is great for young and adult dogs to ensure their agility and mobility are successfully nourished before their senior years. Since senior dogs begin developing mobility issues the more your dog exercises their body the better.

When teaching the hurdle to your dog it is important to start with the bar on the low setting and using the sit or stay technique to ensure you can move toward the other side of the hurdle. With a treat or ball in your hand you can release their stay by using the command of your choice. Common commands would be, “Release, Jump, Come, etc.”

The hurdle is a fairly simple activity for your dog to practice their agility and jumping. For every step higher your dog goes you will be so proud of your dog, and they will have the time of their life with the new playground they get to use.

To provide you a clearer idea of how to successfully mentor your dog when completing these exercises we have provided a visual representation below courtesy of The Doggie Dojo, and Zak George!

Video Courtesy of Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution

Zak George has also put together a wonderful book about dog training which is an amazing read for building your relationship and teaching more advanced skills from a professional.

We hope you and your pup enjoy the bonding time you have and the new toys for you both to enjoy. Happy Training, and be sure to follow us on our Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and join our Dog Parent Academy Community!